
Verben und ihre Konjugation

Here in Verb Land, everything is conjugated. Verbs have principle parts. Some are irregular and have different forms, a like in English (aka strong, stark) and some regular, also like in English (following a regular pattern, aka weak, schwach), usually listed in German grammars like this:

infinitive3rd pers. sing.
simple past
helping verb
English meaning
regularmachener/sie/es machtmachtehatgemachtto make, to do
irreggehengehtgingistgegangento go
irregsehensiehtsahhat gesehento see
irregwollenwillwolltehat gewolltto want

Here is a giant list of all the irregular verbs. Here you can see how some irregular verbs fall into different classes, based on which letters change across the principle parts. Actually some strong verbs have a patterns (sometimes these are called mixed verbs), and some are just really irregular. And some can go both ways!
Here they’ve been gathered into classes of irregularity (if you’re into that kind of thing; might help with memorizing, which you have to do anyway).
And here is a page with some exercises for learning irregular verbs (A1 level = GER 101 at Davidson).

And here is an awesome 45-minute video from Cari at Easy German with the 100 most-used verbs. Definitely worth the time. And there is an index in the notes.

Full conjugations of verbs are here on this pretty good page. And here is a page with some exercises and other stuff (but not at our A1 level, just all the verbs.)

Nomen und Ihre Deklination

der, die, das, Artikel und Adjektivendungen

Start with printing out die Supertabelle and hang in on your wall above your desk.


Wechselpräpositionen: an, auf, hinter, in, neben, über, unter, vor, zwischen

Präpositionen mit dem Akkusativ: durch, für, gegen, ohne, um, bis, wider

Präpositionen mit dem Dativ: aus, außer, bei, mit, nach, seit, von, zu, gegenüber
